together for a better world


Through our commitment to the environment and social responsibility, we ensure that your event is not only unique and impactful, but also ecological and sustainable. We are actively committed to minimising our ecological footprint and reducing our environmental impact. With our commitment to sustainability, we are helping to create a better world for future generations.

swisstainable – programme
As a proud member of the «Swisstainable» sustainability programme, we offer our guests clear guidance and ensure that sustainability is at the heart of every event at the Kursaal Interlaken. We look forward to showing you how your event can be organised in an ecological, social and effective way.

IPCC Conference March 2023
Since its foundation in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made a significant contribution to climate change research. With the aim of providing scientific, technical and socio-economic information on climate change, the IPCC has published 5 reports since its inception. In 2023, the sixth report was finalised, providing further insights into climate change and its impact on our world.

From 13 to 19 March, the 58th Plenary Session of the IPCC took place at the Congress Kursaal Interlaken, bringing together experts from around the world to present and discuss their findings and research results. We are proud to have been part of this important meeting as hosts.

Sustainability and quality in everyday life
Our employees work every day to integrate ecological and social aspects into our operational processes. We use recycled paper, work with seasonal and regional products, have sustainable purchasing guidelines and have exemplary planning in the catering area to avoid food waste.

However, sustainability means much more to us: our event technology relies on energy-saving lighting technology and daylight in the event rooms. We use water from the River Aare to cool the auditorium. Waste avoidance and separation are a matter of course for us. We obtain our electricity locally in Interlaken. The Bödeli blue electricity is produced entirely in environmentally friendly Swiss hydroelectric power stations.

looking into the future


⋅ solar panels on the roof of the historic building ⋅

⋅ Swisstainable level 2 ⋅



A sustainably planned event is not only good for the environment, but also an important step towards social responsibility. The Congress Kursaal Interlaken offers you the ideal conditions for an environmentally friendly event and ensures that everyone involved pulls together to realise a sustainable event.

Contact us to find out more about how we can realise a sustainable event together.


  Sustainability at Congress Kursaal Interlaken


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Do you have a question, concern or suggestion? Your opinion is important to us! We want to make sure that you have the best possible experience with our service.

Strandbadstrasse 44 | 3800 Interlaken
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